Eco-Tourism Among The Rich Coral Reefs Of Sri Lanka

When we think of tourism in Sri Lanka, the two things that come to our mind immediately are diving and coral reefs. Coral reefs in Sri Lanka are present around most part of the country forming its unique ecosystem. The rich biodiverse nature in Sri Lanka is the home to more than 180 known species of corals.

There are four types of coral reefs in Sri Lanka: rocky reefs, patchy reefs, sandstone reefs, and fringing reefs. Coral reefs in Sri Lanka are generally counted as offshore reefs and near-shore fringing reefs since there are no true barrier reefs. The four kinds of reefs have distinctly diverse ecosystem.

The coral reef habitats along with all coral species are protected under the Coast Conservation Act and Fauna and Flora Protection Act by the Department of Wildlife Conservation respectively.

Tourism is an important form of revenue generation in Sri Lanka. However, if activities in the beaches and coral reefs are not handled carefully, it will gradually destroy the corals. A few practices that can make a world of difference if performed by everyone are as follows:

-Building more anchorage buoys to prevent corals from getting damaged

-Properly disposing off garbage to avoid water pollution and hurting the reef and aquatic lives

-Avoid standing on the reefs or touching them as the corals and coral animals are very fragile and take long time to grow back once damaged


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